Investor relationsOur goal is to create shareholder value through the competitive return on our investments. Contact us through the link provided and we will reach out to you. for a discussion.
Investor relations policy
As a company based in NY, USA, we endeavor to have an open and active dialogue with investors, analysts and other financial stakeholders.
The IMC, Inc investor relations policy is based on the Oslo Børs Code of Practice for IR.
English is the main language for disclosure of financial information and other investor information.
Publication of informationIMC, Inc will publish interim reports each quarter in addition to half-yearly and annual reports.
Periodic financial reports will include a summary outlook for the next period.
Information on the IMC, Inc website
The main source of financial information about the IMC, Inc group is the “Investors” section of the IMC, Inc website. This section includes among other information on investor relations policy, largest shareholders, share price, dividend policy and history, registrar, analysts, debt, financial reports and presentations, financial calendar, financial news, and investor relations contact.
Main governing elements are available under the “About IMC, Inc” section of the IMC, Inc website. This section includes among other information on articles of association, board of directors, group management team, code of conduct, general meetings, nomination committee, and remuneration guidelines for senior executives.
Company news are available on the “Media centre” section of the IMC, Inc website.
We do not maintain a list of beneficial owners.
We do not publish research and estimates made by brokering firms/analysts.
A list of primary IMC, Inc insiders is available on the IMC, Inc section of the Euronext website.
IMC, Inc has not published a full financial strategy but has a policy of consistent communication of financial performance and ratios. General information on the group debt financing is provided in a separate section of the “Investor” section of the IMC, Inc website, but we do not publish details on individual loans.